News + Articles Database

This database aims to gather media discussing environmental violence. It is being continually updated, and we hope it is a resource that impacted communities, as well as a larger audience, finds useful. If you find an article, report, video, music video, or any type of media that you feel should be included in this database and hasn't yet been added, please send it to us here.

This is a community resource, open to community input!

Note about articles/media: Because this database is intended to be a community built resource on media related to environmental violence, and therefore accepts public submissions of media to include, it does not necessarily represent the voice or views of Native Youth Sexual Health Network or WEA. While we do read/view the media that is posted, we'd like to refrain from positioning ourselves as gatekeepers of what you'll find here. That said, we will make every effort not to post any blatantly racist, sexist or otherwise harmful submissions. If we miss any, please let us know.

How to use this database: The articles are listed with the most recent article at the start of the list. If there is a particular topic you are looking up and would like to see all articles related to that topic (i.e. Alberta, or pipelines, or resistence, or Cultural Impacts), click on the search term link below the title of each article or the list of location and issue tags.

Location & Issue Tags:

- Locations -


- Issues -


Viewing items tagged as: Pipeline - remove tag