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W.C.K. looks out over Diné lands. Credit: W.C.K. (Diné)
The impacts of industry on the waters and fish of Akwesasne. Credit: Chelsea Sunday (Turtle Clan)
Collecting samples of black water after an oil spill. Credit: Melina Laboucan-Massimo (Lubicon Cree)
Collecting samples of black water after an oil spill. Credit: Melina Laboucan-Massimo (Lubicon Cree)
Nihígaal bee Iiná Walkers. Credit: Kim Smith (Diné)
The Anishinaabe Water Walk. Credit: Native Youth Sexual Health Network
The Anishinaabe Water Walk. Credit: Rae Louise Breaux
Giving thanks to onaman (Red Ochre paint) and the land. Credit: Erin Marie Konsmo (Métis)
Water and Manoomin (Wild Rice). Credit: Native Youth Sexual Health Network
Indigenous Youth Activist and Truth Speaker Taryn Pelletier (Serpent River First Nation)
Preston Paul (Grassy Narrows First Nation)
IITC and NYSHN's 2nd International Indigenous Women's Environmental and Reproductive Health Gathering
Beze Gray and Shane Camastro of NYSHN share the VLVB Report and Toolkit